Constraining Prompts in OBIEE11g:
This is one of the features in OBIEE11g which is updated from 10g. In 10g we can constrain the prompts using the constrain check box while creating the prompts but the prompts can be controlled in a particular order only (This is especially so difficult when you create hard coded columns in the prompts). This problem is fixed in 11g.By default all the columns in the same prompt section will be constrained.But if we want to define the relationship explicitly we can follow the following procedure.We can control any column in the prompt section with respect to any of the columns in the same prompt section.Please follow the screenshots
Click on more options first then you can see Limit Values by check box.Select the column with whom you want to control this column values as shown in the screenshot.....
This is one of the features in OBIEE11g which is updated from 10g. In 10g we can constrain the prompts using the constrain check box while creating the prompts but the prompts can be controlled in a particular order only (This is especially so difficult when you create hard coded columns in the prompts). This problem is fixed in 11g.By default all the columns in the same prompt section will be constrained.But if we want to define the relationship explicitly we can follow the following procedure.We can control any column in the prompt section with respect to any of the columns in the same prompt section.Please follow the screenshots
Then edit the properties of the column as shown in the screenshot
One more interesting thing in 11g prompts is we can set a presentation variable for the multi select prompt also unlike in 10g............
Below is the screen shot of constrained prompts in Dashboard
As Region = Asia , Sub Region = Asia and Country Name prompt showing only the Country Names in the Asia.