Thursday, 17 October 2013

OBIEE11g: How to Navigate to Criteria tab on clicking Edit link from Dashboard


 Lets say we have a report placed on the dashboard page and we have the Edit and Export report links on the bottom of the report. If we click on Edit link it will navigate to Analysis pane but by default we would be navigating to Results tab where the report start running and if the filter conditions are set to "Is Prompted" then the reports tried to fetch all the data which may take long time to avoid this we need to manually click on "Criteria" tab every time when you click on "Edit". We can make a setting to avoid this and it points to Criteria tab automatically when ever you click on Edit. We can enable this setting as follows...

1) After logging to Presentation Services(Analytics), you can see the user name in the extreme right corner of the page. Click on the user then you can see two options (these options may change depends on the application role the user been assigned to). Click on "My Account"

2) Now you can see one new window getting opened where you can personalize the user preferences like the display language, Start page,Time Zone etc...

3) Select the option "Start on Criteria tab when editing Analysis" from Analysis Editor drop down.

4) Click on Ok and go to the dashboard and click on edit link of any report you can see navigating to Criteria tab instead of Results tab.

Hope this saves your time......


OBIEE 11g: Cannot Copy Data from Reports and Paste to the Windows Clipboard


The users are trying to copy some cells or particular portion of data from Obiee report manually and paste it on Excel,MS Word, Notepad etc. but this is not allowed in the OBIEE 11g version where as the same in possible in 10g. We have created an SR with the same issue and got the reply from Oracle support. I am blogging the same workaround whatever is proposed by oracle here.


This feature not available in OBIEE 11g. The only way is exporting the view to another file and then copy/paste.

There is an Enhancement Request for this functionality to be included in a future 11g version:

Bug 10406798- unable to copy data from 11g table or pivot table like in 10g
Currently slated to be addressed in or

The only possible workaround that you may try is described in the following note:

OBIEE 11g: Cannot Copy Data from Reports and Paste to the Windows Clipboard [Doc ID 1287265.1]

As per above note:
Until the enhancement requests are implemented, there is the following work-around:

1) Place the mouse cursor outside the view and click.
2) Drag the mouse across the view to highlight the data you want to copy.
3) Use control+C or copy from the edit menu or right mouse menu to copy the text to the clipboard.

Please note this workaround only works with Internet Explorer. It does not work with Firefox or Chrome.

This issue existing in also

Saturday, 5 October 2013

How to call a PL SQL function in OBIEE

Hello Everyone,

Recently we raised an S R with Oracle regarding PL Sql Functions in OBIEE. We got the following answer. This could be helpful for  you also...

In general, the only ways you can execute stored procedures from OBIEE is:

- change stored procedure into an Oracle function and then use EVALUATE function in the SQL query in Analytics.
- set scripts for its execution in the connection pool used to execute the report.

I have added the recent update from Oracle Support here for reference

Applies To:
Business Intelligence Server Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


It is possible to use the EVALUATE function in OBIEE to call the function created in the Oracle DB.

Create a function in Oracle DB and use it in an EVALUATE function as shown below:

EVAULATE(‘dbfunction_name(%1,%2)’, parameter list)
In the above expression %1 and %2 are number of parameters to be passed to the DB function.  Parameters can be more than or less than 2 depending on the requirement.  These can also be constant values.
e.g., EVALUATE(‘func1(%1)’,’TRADE_ID’)
So, the above expression will pass the TRADE_ID parameter to the DB function(func1) and hence give the result based on the output of the DB function.

NOTE:  It is not possible to call a stored procedure using the EVALUATE function.  EVALUATE function is used for most of the DB functions and it finds a vast usage in OBIEE.

